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Horoscopes beauty march 2024 astrology
Illustration by Gabrielle Rosenstein

Horoscopes March 2024: What the astrological new year means for you

It’s time to ditch the cynicism: let your mind travel to new heights, then turn those dreams into reality

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs. Read an overview of what 2024 has coming up for us this year here.

March opens in a surreal haze, as the Sun makes its journey through Pisces, blurring the lines between the real and the fantastical. It’s the breaking point between Winter and Spring, and we are sifting through buried emotional material, preparing for the victory of light over darkness. In the final stretch of Winter, we are in need of restoration and reprieve, looking for clues about what to renew and what to release. The Piscean placements create an atmosphere of unreality, keeping our heads in the heavens. Feelings and fairytales take precedence over the mundanities of daily life, and our appetites for escapism will be at an all time high. Our daily lives take on a dream-like quality and our intuitive facilities enhance as we wade through unconscious realms.  

On March 10, a New Moon in Pisces opens our healing channels, bestowing messages from the great beyond and helping us process emotions to better manifest the future. Embrace the catharsis as the heaviest months of the year are over. As the personal planets make their annual stop in Pisces, we can feel spacey and ungrounded, privy to mood changes and bouts of daydreams. Venus enters Pisces on the 11th, followed by Mars on the 22nd. Venus has ongoing conversations with Saturn this month, acting as a celestial checkpoint for our relationships. Are we using our relationships to escape, or expand? Are we being delusional, or deliberate? Perhaps it’s time to face the music. 

The Sun gallivants into fiery Aries on the 19th, signifying the start of a brand new astrological cycle. It’s the astrological new year, spring has sprung, as we have a renewed sense of purpose. Aries season is a reminder to reacquaint ourselves with our personal missions, to restore our drive. Eager to embrace new trajectories and embark on adventure, our attitude returns to one of greater independence, as we are reminded of what makes us individuals. Eclipse season approaches, and we are once again looking to rebalance the axis between ourselves and our counterparts. 

On March 25, the Full Moon in Libra illuminates our codependent attributes and puts superficial dynamics to the test. We are closing out cycles of remaining in relationships that don’t match our ideals, or pace, in exchange for something more honest. With the Aries placements ensuring we make bold moves, we can be childish and combative, prone to tantrums. Mercury prepares to retrograde on April 1 and we are quick to say what we mean – but we must be cautious of being mean when we say it.